王庆松是一个成功地运用摄影与电脑合成技术将自己的现实批判意识表达得淋漓尽致的艺术家。他说:“我希望我的摄影作品能够模仿和旁观中国特色的社会主义现代化建设中的荒诞故事,并表明我的态度。” 他的社会批评的触角所及,既有对宗教盲信的反思(《过去,现在和将来》,2001年),也有对崇洋心态的嘲弄(《乞讨者》,2001年),既有对全球化的担忧(《又一次战争》系列,2001年),也有对社会整体腐化的揭露(《老栗夜宴图》,2000年)。在所有这些作品中,王庆松都会以某种方式出现在画面中。他或是让自己作为 偷窥者,旁观作为知识分子象征的“老栗”的堕落,或是让自己成为一个士兵,在虚构的反对西方文化侵略的战场上冲锋陷阵。但不管他以什麽样的身份出现,他始终是作品中表现出来的中国现实变化的现场里“在场”的一员,或是亲历变化,或是见证变化,他始终没有让自己在这个历史大变动中无故缺席。
Wang Qingsong
Gu Zheng
Wang Qingsong is an artist who successfully applies photography and computer combination technique to express fully his criticism upon reality. He said, “I hope my photographic works can emulate and look at the funny stories in the modernization strive of Chinese socialist reform and express my attitude”. His social criticism reaches reflection of mindless religious belief (“Past, Present and Future”, 2001), ridicule of pursuit for western tastes (“Beggar”, 2001), worries about globalization (“Another Battle series”. 2001), exposure of social corrupt life (“Night Revel of Lao Li”, 2000). In all these works, Wag Qingsong appears in these photographs either as a voyeur that spies on the degeneration of “Lao Li” symbol of intellectuals, or a soldier that charges in bravery in the constructed battle against western cultural invasion. No matter in what identity, he is always one of the participants on site of the reality of Chinese society, either experiencing or eye witnessing these changes. He never allows himself to be absent from the dramatic historical movements. |